Please provide the following information if your water source is from a pump:

If you use city water, please click here for a meter specific form:

Service Requested: Design Service only Design Service and Materials

Watering Needs: Turf Bedding Plants Turf & Plants

Size of well delivery line:    

Well Output : Gallons Per Minute

You'll find a data plate on the well casing with the gallons per minute (G.P.M.)
Complete the pump information below if using lake water as your source.
Pump Output : Gallons Per Minute OR Manufacturer and Model:

LOW PSI:         HIGH PSI:

Backflow prevention requirement (Call your building standard office for backflow information)

Backflow is not required 
Double Check Valve is required.
PVB- Pressure Vacuum Breaker is required.
AVB-Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker is required.
RPZ- Reduced Pressure Zone is required. 

Pipe Preference:

I would like to use PVC Pipe.
I would like to use Polyethylene Pipe. 

Pipe Installation Method:

Trenching (open trench during installation; this is the preferred method)
Vibra-plow (pulls poly pipe underground)

Valve Installation Method:

Field locations (Preferred.)
Manifold in one central location.
Manifold in multiple locations (Please mark locations on your plot.)

Survey or Plot: 

I do not yet have a survey prepared

I will fax to: (704) 795-5767

I will send in an E-Mail attachment to: Click her to Email

I will send by mail.


Product Preference:

I prefer Nelson products.

I prefer Hunter products.

I prefer Rain Bird products.s

I prefer Toro products.

I prefer Weathermatic products.

I would like DIY Irrigation to choose my products.



Number & Street:



Zip Code:


Phone Number: